Anniversary Creations of JJS in The Jax Justun Studios Community: Population: The Future Games will Start with YOU!!!
Welcome to THE JAX JUSTUN STUDIOS COMMUNITY page! Where my future games start with me and U!
Hello everybody!!!! I know it's been a few hours, but the folks from Jax Justun Studios are already wanting to show off the official #JJSvoiceActors for all Parody Pascots & Parody Cameo Mascots for Series Two of 2019 from Jax Justun Studios!!!!! YEP!!!!!
Afternoon everybody, just letting you all know about something here, on November 9th, 2024, not only that I'd FINALLY completed almost all of the parody soundtracks for this official parody future mascot horror game here,
It's now November 10th, 2024, and today we got something planned for tomorrow on November 11th, 2024!!!! YEP!!! The official and long requested #20thFiveNightsatJaxJustun's game is finally coming!!!!
Afternoon people!!! It's now late here on November 4th, 2024, and Jax Justun Studios has some special announcements to make here!!! First off, sorry if it's late here!!!! All parody staff workers of JJS were working really hard and everything!!!!!
Hello everybody!!! I hope your Halloweens were better then mines!!! Including the ones from all over Jax Justun Studios!!! Jax Justun Studios wants to say thanks for all of your guy's love-ness, supports, and everything!!!
Happy Halloween to everybody from the parody people of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! The wait's finally come over!!! Draxx Dustun Studio's first and official future parody mascot horror game has finally come!!!!
Happy Halloween of 2024 everybody!!!! Jax Justun Studios is ready to party!!!! #HappyHalloweenOf2024!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!! #LetsPartyBros!!!!
This is a special news report here from the people of Draxx Dustun Studios and Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment!!!!! It's about their very first and official future parody mascot horror game!!!!!
People from Draxx Dustun Studios here, we just have a quick announcement from us to here for today/tonight!!! Sorry for the lacks of future updates you guys, it appears that Jax Justun Studios are still recovering at the moment here!!!