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smallest sneak peek ever? 2 notes? oh boy! (literally what are you gonna get out of this there's no point in this post)


Gotta go now y'all. Bye.

Might do a private name reveal if I get to 1k.

This is just future planning.

Of course that won't happen if my parents spoil it first.

Today was my spawn day.

But alas, all things must come to an end.

And end it shall.

Good night, to all.

Especially Goldie, who will forever hold a place in my memory as the one who brought me here.

To him, and to all of you, stay golden. 💛

In all honesty & from the bottom of my heart.


My parents, not even HALF A MONTH after I became depressed, are now trying to kick my depression into overdrive

At this point I give up on trying to have a happy life

It's now I realize that it'll never happen
