General in MilaniaGo's house (Remake)

Lmao moment

Just got informed yesterday that this trend has a dark meaning. Is this true?

First day of school is just some couple of minutes away

And it's literally 5:20am in my timezone…

Oh i almost forgot...

You have to use a phone or a tablet when you go to read the bubbles in last 2 parts because i just decided to make some parts longer for some reason

Just decided to try to use my previous phone since i miss using it, but i just came across this screen

My mom just bought a new charger for the phone and said she saw this when she put the phone on the charger

Also, my phone battery was dead at the time

Some edit i made

Btw i made this to reference the image on the right

Bruh the fact people call LGBT "LGTV" is fucking annoying like real shit bruh

If you're doing this as a joke, it's ok, but if you're for real, lemme say this in a language that you may understand: Yu ni too lurn hao to spΓ©u

Bruh did i just spent 9 days making this comic series, only for it to get no likes?! In three hours?!?!?!

Nah that's crazy

My city's weather is going nuts

Like, it's 19Β°C in there and it looks like it's winter, even though i live in the south hemisphere, and the other cities' were like 23Β°C-29Β°C... Even Belo Horizonte is 20Β°C rn

Bruh i just heard yesterday that some locally famous singer by the name of Gusttavo Lima is going to candidate himself to the presidency of the republic on the next elections -_-

POR - Feliz 2025 a todos!! :D

ENG - Happy 2025 everyone!! :D