me. in Fog's uhhhmmm uhh errr uhhh hrrrrr


I'm bored again grr,,


Me watching the children of gamejolt get into a bit of stupid drama and then leave the site because of "how toxic everyone was" (it was only a 1-1 person drama)

stop sign looking in da cup, what's in da cup?

my project got frontpaged on scratch's living objects (osc ripoff) studio and now kids are swarming the project help

i low-key hate kids

If I had a nickel for every time Splatoon 3 disconnected me mid-game I would be richer then Elon Musk, and I've only played like 15 hours on that game.

pea shooter costume



This is outside of my usual posts but here’s a useless glitch I found on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s Rock Rock mountain. Once you get up there you can’t move without a mushroom (the driving wheels animation won't even show up).


new banner!!!!!!!!!!!111!!