questions in Nicoderfans Official Community
Yo Guys, question: do you want i make the gamepage of the nights with real nicolas or wait until i finished some games?
Who wants ALT Beenox as the player? (Gray Beenox)
Or just want the "old new" FNF Beenox? (Blue Beenox)
does the "scratch games" channel LITERALLY have to be scratch games and NOT scratch animations, art, etc?
Should I Post A QnA?
Ok Guys, i Don't know what to select, tutorial or phone calls, so i leave you this poll to decide.
can someone recommend me a recorder and a editor? i want to record gameplays for my YT Channel
I need your help...
How many of you guys are using a PS4 Controller (like me) or/and a xbox 360 controller (need it because BSA will support Controllers)
i have an qestion to @TheSuperYoshiHero how to send an project to you to script it anwser my qestion and give link