general in Oblitus Casa
What should I call this old Abandoned VHS Tape?
Modelling Competition!
Make this meme FNaTI themed using a modelling software.
example: Blender, SourceFilmMaker etc.
Whoever does it best, wins a sticker pack!
If finished, post it in the comments!
Expires for a week, do it quick!!!
not feeling to upload more freequently on this site, expect new posts from 2 day - 1 month by now
Selfie with Photo Negative Mickey Remake!
Cabin recreation in progress...
Modeling: @everyoneortensia , @kyotofu1_1 and Me.
Texturing: Me
Idea to make the cabin recreation: Me
My drawings of the fnati characters but those from the nightmare before Disney,but realistic version in my drawing style :
1-nightmare undying
2-nightmare acephalous
3-nightmare suicide mouse
4-nightmare pluto
5-nightmare oswald
6-nightmare minie
Can you please find this poster for the Cabin recreation?
Reward: You'll be in the credits!
Be quick!!!