Photos in Plants&Gardens

Plant your Post

Some dahlia flowers I saw today 🌼


Had to water them and gave 12 some more dirt ^^ I felt like she didn't have enough ^^" Good thing I was outside since there was a slug with Fleur & Clea. And yes Stumpson is fine if not even good! that's just how his growing


Thanks to the other pictures I'm able to remember this day pretty good. even if less about the plants though ^^"

We/I was on DorfFest or SommerFest [VillageFestival SummerParty] and it was a lot of fun ^^

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More Pictures!!! YAY!!....

we where planning to replant 11 btw.. but you saw/read what happend with them..


12 & 11

there was meant to be more pictures on this I believe but eh..

btw 11 didn't make it.. more about that some other time I guess


I have No Idea what I did but I think the color of those images are really pretty

Water&Rain 27.07.2024

Row2 had one that was getting really tall a bit to early so I plant her out, I know she doesn't look so good right now but she should look much better tomorrow I think ^^


Tbh I don't have much to write about today yet other then there is a 2 post coming with a spacilty or a few

11 is looking bad and 5,6,7,8,9 we kinda lost hope for them.. I'm gonna have to look when they went missing & mark it as there death day


I need to make a photo for tomorrow (27) but instead I'm gonna talk about today (26) on the post for the 20th lul

so it rained and I still watered them because the rain was legit nothing. 11 still isn't doing so well but I believe in it.


Guess we're posting backwards today ^^" as I just uploaded the 24 instead of the 20

I don't believe I have any images for the 22&23 so only tree posts today

I also have none for the 25&26 so yeah...

I gotta work on this