IRL in WIP!!! Pupperz Zuper Kool Group ‼️
At Joann's they had free paper and markers so u could leave a note, here's mine :3 (saw one that said "I love gays" and I was like "real")
Was feeling nice this morning before shopping, but idk might hate myself later/hj
Sigh . . . Oh to get a lobotomy so I can permanently be in my own little world
Got this clown themed TY plush from Goodwill named November (I think) and since it had no tag the cashier gave it to me for 1.99, bought it then read the tag in the car; HE'S FROM 2001, 23 YEARS OLD BEANIE BBY
Mask progress update, almost done applying the fur. Then I'm gonna add the fur markings so it looks like a raccoon and not a dog lol, and a nose ring+goggles for style. Might make it a new OC or smth idk yet, hopefully it looks good at the end ^^"