Rambles in WIP!!! Pupperz Zuper Kool Group ‼️

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Guys I have art in drafts rn ISTG they're just still cookin

Y'all might hate on me for this but idc; we all sometimes just wanna be a hater, stop trying so hard to b nice, we all wanna do it don't lie. Sometimes u talk to ppl and think to urself "I don't give a shit about ur hyper fixation" and that's fine

yooo i havent posted on this acc yet but this is @Pupper-- 's alt account, so heyo once again everyone :3

ill mainly b posting things from my pc on here since GJ refuses to log me in to my acc from my PC

This Amazon shirt kinda go hard ngl

Does anyone else ever just get tired of being nice and the little voice in the back of ur heads says u want to spread misfortune???