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My most budget office👍

do you guys remember my old times in gamejolt here?

That was really fun i guess, but still i'm is changing too much

well, i still love you all

I no more want to sit with tears in the side of room

I back to game dev here

Now it's not a joke

I promise

full games will be here…


I just had one secret plan, I realized that it didn't go according to plan and everything failed

So I'm not going anywhere, I'm still in the game maiden, my friends

No more video games from me

I'm ending up with all this

I was just disappointed in all this

So nothing new for this RGP season


I'm sorry guys for that inactivity and strange posts

I was just running out of motivation to create something, and so my plans objectively changed, But I'm still not going to leave anything


I'm is depressed introvert dead now guys

It's strange that now I don't care at all about the gamejolt quests that a bunch of my friends do ...

Oky, I began to work on the game much faster, and in principle I can already say a little about the result, but I still need to find time so that it can be finalized