Whatever The Fuck in The Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate! :]
Trump is trying to make it legal to discriminate. I can't go into it in depth but if he gets what he wants in the future you could be denied a job or even entry into school because of your gender, sexuality, race or beliefs.
Great Germany is warning the US Trump is a dictator the ex dictators are warning us about our new leader I'm not fucking scared at all
It's weird people who want nothing to do with me are still here and continue to like my post

Today I saw a user that is clearly belong to a iPad kid.
Like, their posts made my head go hurty

Dev Log #5
The special Bloom you see is an optional setting you can turn on or off in game.
Oh and I got the Boss Health Gauge working!
Hey stop reading that Harry Potter book the writer is transphobic and supports Trump.
Edgar Allen Poes work is shown to kids all over the world in schools. He married his 13 year old cousin. There are worst people to read from. I'll read what I want.
If I don't make NSFW art on my Asmodeus design then I've failed as an artist

You fuckers really wanted Beelzebub not a single vote for Mammon lol
I don't understand the hate for Jack Black disbanding his band after what his partner said his partner fucked with the life of a former president if it where to happen again Jack and him would be looked at Jack is protecting him and his family

Oh, how lovely!
Vice President Vance had his first tie-breaking vote as President of the U.S. Senate! How adorable!
AND it was to confirm a drunken ex-husband as our Secretary of Defense: the head of the Pentagon!
3 votes Voting finished