All Posts in Super Smash Flash 2 community
hello welcome to the Super Smash Flash 2 community
ES: Sora es el mejor personaje de todo ssf2, el que diga lo contrario le invito a un 1v1 para ver si cambia de parecer
EN: Sora is the best character in all of ssf2, whoever says otherwise I invite him to a 1v1 to see if he changes his mind
Recien me doy cuenta que buffearon a sandbag
I Recently I did found that they buffed sandbag
#DrawABirdDay This is Ieygo, Shullot Beyondary's pet bird. He is based on the character Iago from Disney's Aladdin. The difference is that Ieygo even though he has the same behavior as Iago, he is not obsessive, ambitious and irritating like him.
#WarioTime This is Wayron Legenrok, paternal cousin of Mayron Legenrok, eldest son of Trevor Legenrok and Windy CharlƩmy, older brother of Tuyjon Legenrok. He is Angelica's main lover, and he also is based in Wario.
I improved Goku's Jab animation on Xailo's and Denger199's sprite
this is how i make characters improvements for Super Smash Bros. Crusade!
The Return of Meta knight
Super Smash Flash 2 Status
Super Smash Flash 2 Showcase V5