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Absolutely hyped to have seen myself on @DawkoYoutube 's stream. Thank you so much, @Taaryn . Childhood me would be so proud 😭🙌


I fluked all of the left side stuff what what what what. 2:11 through the night we're officially a quarter of the way through the night!! 47 hours on attempts alone now. We're making such good progress :D


So hyped to be apart of, "FNAF In Real Time". @Taaryn 😭🙏




1:17! Technically 2 full cycles done (ignoring YeBoy making it through, which was literally like 0.1 off from hitting after rechecking lol), wahoo! Finally got past the 1:09 hurdle. Got stuck for a bit, but feeling a lot better with the game now :)


I apologize in advance for the possible Max Mode spam but finally progressing on this mode is so cool to me

Anyways, made it to 1 minute! Just like 7 more to go


One full proper cycle! Not only that, but this was my second one, meaning consistency is happening even if slim. It's happening. It's so happening :)


I'm in disbelief it's actually possible. I was one Matt (the one that killed me) and Toylit away from proving this mode possible. Now to do this like 14 more times to actually beat it :,)


A birthday ends in tragedy. The iconic Bite of '83..

From Five Parts of Michael Afton, Chapter 2 - The Party


Teaser for the next chapter of the Five Parts of Michael Afton audiobook.