general in the Soviet Union group

Share your creations!

Yes I'm.

Guess what yall I have a discord if you want to add me this is my user Dallas_Texas_1845



Repost this to this ww2 veteran feel better.....πŸ˜”

Guys I joined the grass union but I have to be a country ball and I can't draw well......

Guess what we made it to 300 follower's ! Shout out to @Valpixproductions1994 for being my 300th follower. Who is gonna be my 400th one? We will be continued

Guys shout out @YoureLocalMasterPooperFriend for being my 200th follower

Who is gonna be my 300th follower we will stay tune for that

We did it , we made it to 200 followers

Next up 300




Like just stop