All Posts in Angel The decadent user's community

que mira bobo

1. Like this post if your a Sonic fan

2. comment this post if your a Mario fan

3. Like and comment this post if your a Sonic and a Mario fan

Don't comment or i will come to you at 3AM!!


This quest will end after 10 days, less than two weeks

Me when I search up free for me

me when I search up 2011x

me when I search up drop and roll

me when I search up hide and seek v4

Me when I search up 2017x

me when I search up too slow

They still wont leave me aloooooonnnnnnneeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข

Portugal suffered against the Czech Republic and they started losing

Eng: they give me the homework DLC

Esp: ellos me dieron el DLC de la tarea

The first pixel art I made for @yuta_143

I hope you like it yuta <3

And congratulations for reaching 500 followers!

Game am currently playing is sonic 2 #GJAsks.

the most exciting match of the euro so far, england wins but leaves bad feelings