General Channel in Beyond Darkness (Television World)

Yᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᴼⁿ ᴬⁱʳ

So April 1st comes and goes...

Honestly I didnt had any cool Ideas, but I hope it was still a fun day lol

Guys, I have made a Mindblowing (For me at least) Discovery. The Titan Image in this Thumbnail IS MINE, I made that Titan Sprite.

Look at the comparision, you will see it.

From this Video:

What Are Your Deltarune Ch. 3 Theories?
Let's see what you theorist have come up with![MUSIC]*Toby Fox- When I Get Happy I Dance Like This:*Toby Fox...

Don't Forget~ "TotalRoad Remix" I'm With You In The Dark (DON'T WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED DELTARUNE OR UNDERTALE)

Ya know what? Give me some random Quotes for Orbead, I wanna voice her more (Yes I voiced her in previous Post lol)

Just go Wild, Give me any random Quote that sounds fitting but also Funny for Orbead.

My Idea about the Titans (MY THEORY NO STEALING ):< (Kidding lol))

In Article below