Shitposting in ▪︎☆Noas Room☆▪︎


She had an itch

Idk what yall are doing on but im just goin to starbucks with the bots lmao-


Fit check ig? :P

@Turtle_Bred , explain yourself. You shouldn't be saying this shit to others, especially someone you knew and cared for.

Aint no way most of the boys in my class are homo- and transphobic and they also hate furries and therians :<

(Image somewhat related bc most of my classmates suck 🥰)

Hol up 70 likes? ;-;

I just know i'll be full on sobbing in like 5-6 days bc Matpat has yet to leave gtlive but he is leaving that channel on the 1st of october (not to be confused with march 9th which was the last game theory)

I was looking for pose references and saw this, should I be concerned?

AI.. You weren't trying to say anything homophobic righttt???

(Edit: Bro I refreshed the response and it happened again ;-;)