All Posts in You're safe:)

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Imperfect things about my body

I thought I was gonna die today.

I put some gj stickers on a picture of Miss Bloomie because why not :3

((It looks kinda cute lol))

((Post made by Miss Thavel))

The podcast is coming soon!! (Tips, tricks, and tales. Exclusively on GJ)


guys' erm so yk how i said I was genderfluid, I actually found out I'm Nonbinary!!! Im so confusing lmao. I have actually thought about non binary for awhile so I just kind of called it genderfluid but nope I'm non binary!!!!

IM SO HAPPY RN!!! I forgot I had this collar. It was actually my dog's that passed away. I loved them so much! I really miss them, but I have been trying to find a collar for so long. Lmk what you think abt it

It starts tomorow! I'm so excited. Hopefully i find some therians in my area. Pls do it if you are able to but makesure you are safe!


Guys we should make a therian group chat! Friend request me if you wanna join!