All Posts in 🦘✌️AUSSIE GAMEJOLTERS! ✌️🦘

Jus have fun!

I fucking love Australia

we lost a war against emu's

And it was led by the military

sorry for swearing

shout out to all my fellow aussie gamejolters: @SSAngel , @MenacingLmonFrappe and @Sweaty_Tom765LT :D

yall look at how foggy it is outside ( and its 10:40 am! )

Well, a thousand likes, thank you all!!!

I will probably do something for when I get three more followers and get to 100

Then I will do a cool thing for you guys

Stolen from @Xx0Hollow0xX who stole it from @GHOST30 who stole it from @Not_Mario18

I don’t do much art, but I’m planning on doing more

Australia mate

It’s the best country

We got bbqs



avo in the avo

Those are different things

Fairy bread


Tim tams


We are a real country dammit

my bingo!

tag me :)

1. Listen up, these are smiths

They are chips

They are great

I have not met a single person who doesn’t like them

2. These are also chips

Honestly, that croc looks kinda like a dog


@Status_anxiety , thanks for featuring my memes, it means a lot to me

Also, second image, only people that know Aussie history will get it