random in Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning

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The final bug fix update to Baldi's Gameboy All-Stars is now out! The full changelog can be found here: https://normal-person2-0.itch.io/baldis-gameboy-all-stars-v3/dev…


hi foxo

dumb thing i made with my character model(yes based off the one april fools mystman did)

guys i think i downloaded the wrong gfag build.......

You know, I'll never understand you extroverts. Like, how can you guys say or do anything in front of others without fear of embarrassing yourself? I even understand interacting with family members at home, but with other people outside home? (article)

"i can sense you looking at me. im gonna stomp at you"

everyone follow @hunterallen_ and @kallub so we can get HE 2 !!!!
also im posting this to random communities and junk so uhh yeah



balbi battle