Random Thoughts in Benjiro's Group

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Kind of a thing with Nintendo and basically them sueing things for the sake of their stuff

Pretty much what I can infer based on what I know and have seen and heard

I’ve been just listening too old game console like the PS2, PS3, and Wii startup sounds and I almost felt like tearing up, but it was still comforting

I miss those times so much man-

And now I wanna go play them when I get home now Lol

I’m actually like lost again on what I’m even doing with this stupid layering, like I actually just want to stop working on this

Ugh why does this out of all things have to be the most stupidest things to be drained over

Honestly now that I’m thinking about this, I feel like I’ve been doing pretty good with keeping up with my class work, I don’t wanna jinx it but even though the stress of it all, I’ve been doing pretty alright with it

Okay! I think I found the layering issue(thank freaking gosh)

Idk how to resolve this wile still having everything staying tact

I just want to add new stuff but this stupid layering bs again

Literally layers is giving me a strong wave of demotivation, yet again,

I really freaking hate layers and I don’t have the energy to even to work on it,

Soooo into getting actual progress in before this just decides to knock me in the face,p

Okay, so with how I set up the layer sorting before, I don’t think it should be as hard to fix it since it does the sorting twice, and each sort is in two separate lists, I just have to do the second sorting a bit differently

Turns out I made an oversight with how the layering works and it started tearing its ugly face back to me again,

Ughhhhh I thought I’d never have to come back to this but apparently not

We Love Katamari’s soundtrack is sooo underrated dude like actually

Now that I think about it, I feel that Sonic literally contradicts how modern gaming is, and sorta the same with Sega most of the time