All Posts in Cherro's circus

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What's this? Cherro has something for us? Huh... a cat!

: firealpaca | time: ~ 4.5 hours

@CherroDaDragon I want to run you over for this. good job on passing your test

bonus drawings: sidequests i did while working on the drawing

[Scheduled on the 12th of february]

This image is what ukrainians' lives are currently.

In exactly 7 days, it'll be the anniversary of 3 years since the russo-ukrainian war's start, and i wanted to bring back attention to this.

[Cont in article]

Me (the day is basically over and I got the exam on Friday)



Me when I'm silling around with oomfs in my comments and suddenly some rando comes and enters the convo

I'm pretty sure I've never actually uploaded this one to the public. These are Serena (all the light blue ones share the same mind) and Sebas. They're a character made for @Caro_ s Blushys world au, based off Connie's trinket. They're a Hydra!!!

He's there alright.

He's real.

Friendly reminder that ShadowVanilla, and by extension ALL ancient x beast ships are bad. As in, bad bad.

You ever just have your oc lore be

-back story

-story: starting events

-story: the reason the adventure begins


-character joins

-[ under construction]

-another character

-[a lot of filler]

-story: plot twists and final bosses