Share your creations!

Congrats to the Cyanide & Happiness art challenge winners!


You gotta love the confidence.

Check out @Tygarlily live with C&H:Freakpocalypse, over on #DreamHackPlays:


Giving away copies of C&H: Freakpocalypse over on #DreamHackPlays all week, next code is going out in 20 minutes or so!

Come check it out:

Cyanide & Happiness Freakpocalypse Fanart :D

Had fun making this. If I had more time this week I'd animate it (only with your blessing). Fingers crossed 🤞The game looks hilarious, bravo! Would you eat a placenta?

Welcome to the Cyanide & Happiness community on Game Jolt!

Show us your art, videos of playing the new Cyanide & Happiness Freakpocalypse and your favorite comics!

Be sure to check out the Cyanide & Happiness Freakpocalypse game page!

@serenityforge owner
Report A community for about 3 years