Team Related Things in Corrupt AnimeFan's Party

What do u want to share?

Corrupted @asanstalerblx Theme Nightcore Version ^^
Made in,, and music speed changer
Listen to it on SoundCloud:
Og post:…

If the corruption arc was week 8, this would be the final song.
Encounter but it's the corruption arc. (Contains censored swears, but if you don't like them I would recommend not watching it.)
(Read article.. to much to fit into the post box -_-)

Okay.. so this is a mashup of songs that me and @asanstalerblx did for a Corrupted Classic AnimeFan rap battle soo.. i wanted to mash them up!
Songs: Corruption Insanity Parts 2 and 3

AnimeFan.EXE: Hehehehehe..... miss me... this is something that I created just for laughs... heh... @asanstalerblx (TO ASANSTALE) I would be careful.... heheheahhahaHAHHAHAHA (IN CHARACTER POST)