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here is a teaser for that big youtube video I mentioned-
Yes,I think you can tell what game I was referring to now,I honestly think it's coming along very well!
I'm excited to make it!
(keep in mind its gonna take me a while to make XDD)
Now's the time for me to do my nightly crack head post-
I'm just gonna say I have a big YouTube video in the works, I'll talk more about it when it's nearing completion (it's about a certain fan game, it's gonna be real long XD)
New port is out: Abandoned Fazbear's Diner Remake.
Find it on the game's original page:
ONaST2: Advanced v2 is now in development
Thank you for 2000 followers!
Unlike when I reached 1000 followers, I won't be able to release a new game this time. Here are some screenshots of FNaBP: Evil Comes Home instead!
Finished Toy Mario's Custom Night portrait, along with MLS's and Lugig5's AIs.
MLS and Lugig5 don't show up on the cameras or the blind spots, so here are screenshots of their jumpscares instead.
Finished Tartiston's AI.
Finished Green Jerry's AI, half of the characters have been coded now.