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Share your creations!
i'm speedrunning GDAF
pls comment down ANY bugs you see in dsaf tue so i can fix it. Thank you
im playing dayshift at the fifteenth location just come man

Devlog at the end of the month. ;)

guys i found another person making a dsaf fangame and we should support him @RutgerUtvikleren and his game you guys supported me and you can do the same to this guy (DO IT OR YOU'RE FIRED EMPLOYEE)

sequel time everybody.
A Bonus Anniversary Game - Heist of The Weasel

Today is the first anniversary of DL!
It's also the first anniversary of DSaC by @NateIsAwesome!
7-Day extended demo is now available to download!
Thanks for all the support in 2022!
There's more stuff coming soon so stay tuned!

2022 is over.