Hall Principal/[General] in La Familia Zorro UwU/The Fox Family UwU

omg this is going to be epic my friends [Goku reference]

Guys...I have to let you know that I will be leaving Game Jolt for a long period of time, I will be going to Twitter/X I will miss you, since you were a reason to post and others to go...Don't forget to contact me on discord sweets :'3

270 seguidores muchas gracias por el apoyo / 270 Followers, thank you very much for all the support.

Things I want in my mouth:


Creating animation xD

There are already too many of us

Discord- https://discord.com/invite/tfEH5C3tG8

Game Jolt Community- https://gamejolt.com/c/sd-zey2rk

My account- https://gamejolt.com/invite/MyR4OFICIAL

How easy