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One Week at Roberts V8.5 is officially in development. I found V8 not having enough to completely transition to V9 so V8.5 is happening instead. This is my favorite one since V6

I alr got done with a animatronic mechanic. Im guessing Safety Maintenance Demo will be released mid January

i never show a single image of the office here, so....



some of my friand not all but some.

Guys, the game will have a store!!

I won't show you everything, here is a teaser

This is malware, he likes to lurk in your computer. Also he looks at your search history-

On The 4th Day Of Christmas, Zamza Gives To Me, 4 New Characters That Are DLC, While Technically Endo J-1 Was Added In Beta 2 But He Was In A Testing Stage. So He Not Really A Character, He Was An Beta 2 Free Access Character.


Main Menu Updated + Main OST

It's only the menu and its already at 1,000 block what the fu-

New design for The Shadow One, Or @MrKlol , Is finished!