general in five nights at sonics maniac mania

Five nights At Sonics Maniac Mania

Hi guys,I'd create a Twitter( X )because...I don't know exactly °-°

But well,if you want yo can follow me in that platform,but I don't know what post,I think things of the Fangame(FNAS overloaded)or drawings too xd,I don't know

Si llegamos a los 400 revelo que ando haciendo:D

El show apenas empieza

Working on the new tittle screen

Yes I'm doing something XD

I'm gonna say,I don't like to post w.i.p about the things of the Fangame,actually a like to do the things more or less hides XD

But I will try to post some things about the fangame

Algún artista que quiera trabajar en un MM desde cero por pura diversión para ayudar a un amigo😐