fanarts in FNIA community

It's time for fnia

Five Nights With Mac Tonight Sexualized by me Dark Dominus
I wonder who can make a game of this?

Chiku is my favorite character lol

RU:Я тут решил нарисовать винни (vinnie) из игры FNAC 3 Sexualized,надеюсь вам понравилось мой арт?!).
ENG:I decided to draw vinnie (винни) from the game FNAC 3 Sexualized,I hope you liked my art?!).

Merry holidays…. And a happy new Christmas #fnia #fivenightsinanime #fivenightsatfreddys #michaelafton #fnaf4bonniebully

I don’t care that you didn’t take place 1 and 2 and 3 so I’ll even draw art of those people whom they didn’t win well I drew art for my friend @Osana_Chan