announcements_and_stupid in Five Nights at Kirby's
Pink does not mean peepee.
i apologize for the lack of updates lately, i've been super busy with stuff not pertaining to the game. i plan to make some big reveals very soon though, so keep an eye out! just wanted to make sure no one thought i died or something like that.
i wonder what they're dreaming about?
status update, testing is going well! ive gotten very helpful feedback and responses have been very positive. there are still a few keys to hand out too, so that should be fun
p.s. to all you testers, am gonna be updating the build soon for some fixes :)
say hello to guard dee!
hired to look over the diner, this half-robo insomniac cretin wants nothing more than sleep and coffee.
unfortunately for them, sleep won't come easy for them this week!
(note: they don't die when you get caught. no one dies here.)
will be getting in contact with testers very soon
finished drawing all the characters for the cams today, playtesting is almost certainly gonna begin tomorrow or the day after!!!
development is going good. all of the main characters are basically finished functionality wise, and i've been replacing a lot of placeholder assets
here's pensive ramadon as an example of that
game will still take a while but things are going good!
never talk to me or my kids again, moron