Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

Um Toy Yoshi looks a bit different? Art Credit from @CODA_Chilly

Yo I’ve been looking through Maniac Mania Recoded and found the main menu

I might be working on something!

I beaten 6/20 Mode first try (It was the first challenge I tackled)

to my knowledge i think i was the first person who beat the fnas 1 all stars beta build!!!! gottt all 8 starz
and all 13 working achievements

Welcome to the Lost Bits.

Of our Maniac Mania. (This was made before the stuff happened recently with the Community the game not the screenshots but this will go public with a Demo soon and the GJ page.)

3rd Place, not bad.

This things are killing me!


what (repost)