general in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community
Do you like FNaS? I do!
We are in need of a Wario VA and 2 Beta Testers (To apply check The Article below)
Me when I saw the Nintendo switch 2
Me when I saw the new Mario kart for switch 2
(The Luigi designs are from "The Nightmare Circus of Sonic",Au of @El_Tails_Veneco ,design by me)
I will leave fnas:gi abandoned for a while because I have another even bigger project
Dang Red Yoshi got his own location now/j
It's been a while hasn't it, in fact, today is FNaS DX's 1st anniversary! Isn't that neat? While we don't have much to show, we have been making progress on coding and animations, we won't tell much to not spoil the fun, so be patient for our returnal...
Say the most random characters from fnas and i'll draw them
Hey it's me again... uhh read the article
Alright Everyone so we decided that we're not gonna be adding anymore characters or skins for now cause we've got too many of those and i don't wanna give the artists so much work to do. that's all i wanna say i hope you understand
Meet my new oc milia the wolf