Q & A in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

What your favorite game?

  12 votes Voting finished

Since for some reason y’all liked muppet sonic who do y’all want to see next.

  19 votes Voting finished

Ya know I should draw more fnas so uh pick a character

  19 votes Voting finished

Which fan game was your favorite?

  98 votes Voting finished

A majority of Clone Sonic's AI has been coded, I just need to make the jumpscare to finish, but the question is, which of the fnas 1 jumpscares do I base it off? #fnas

  27 votes Voting finished


¿Preguntas Y Respuestas De Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Manía Plus (+) Remix?


Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Manía Plus (+) Remix Questions and Answers?

#SaveFNaSMMPlusRemix #sonic #sega #sonicthehedgehog

Alright FNaSers, last thing before I actually code the FNaS 1 cast. Shading or no shading? #fnas

  19 votes Voting finished

what is the most dangerous group out of the FNAS cast? the Goldens? is it somehow the Withereds most likely for the W. Toys wires? is it the Toys normally? the clones? the Nightmares for their claws and nightmarishness? Phantoms for heart attacks even?

Don't you dare call me a monster on you Max? I can watch you in all day

What game do you think @ShadedSunrose is remaking and why?

  42 votes Voting finished