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Coders and Artists wanted, note that it's probably just gonna be back up/concept Artists

(Just noticed something on the newspaper, my user on discord is tangle_pinrat for some reason the website I used to make the article doesn’t allow underscores)

Hey it's me, Clone Sonic from FNAS Respin, just wanted to say hi, oh and uh, I found this

(PPP might be canned, but Phantom Arcade will keep going strong..)
guys? we got mission, you know what to do

Well well well,hello everyone

It seems like we need to make that game more active,and so

I am here to make an interesting deal

(Read the articles)

P.s. yes,i meant the game,not profile btw

Hey it's Clone Sonic, I'm just hear to say Keep yourself safe, by staying in that office and using all the power, do it, something special happens


so, when AI will be done, do you want from me to release demo or right the way full game?
(note: i waiting on artirts, so release of full game and demo seems on summer)
Discord Server:

  7 votes Voting finished

Me in Discord Server Be like:

Ok so, dont hate me for one crossover, you know, H&C will reference on FNAD in season 10 EP4 and 5
while FNAD2 will have reference on H&C, sound like a deal right? RIGHT? anyway
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