questions in Five Nights at Treasure Island - Official Community

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What are some FNaTi hot takes that will make you get held at gunpoint?
iq test!!!1!!!!111
would you go back to treasure island knowing god damn well the haunted suits are worse and you're going to die?
 19 votes Voting finished
Do YOU like FNaTi?
Well yeah but....
Which one of MalRats FNaTi Games would you like to see remade?
 30 votes Voting finished

how do i beat night 12? i keep dying to green acephalous and idk what to do :(

idk if you guys encountered this, but theres this green acephalous that has a 1/100000000000000000000000000000 chances of spawning in your office and killing you. its very weird. how do i deal with this thing?

You are in the last FNATI Game you played
how screwed are you?
Me? FNaTi 2.0 Remastered by malrat
i think im pretty screwed
Ever since radiance showed us the new classic mode thingy
i've thought
whats the BEST FNaTi Verison?
 25 votes Voting finished


Something new character named jake, new version of jake form fnati 2 he was killed by the toons and he turned into new one of supernatural entities he appear from choas at treasure Island (cancelled)