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Hey guys it's me squidward I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"You fool, you thought that you could just screw my screwed plans against inescapable insanity? Well now you will face ultimate screwed mode. This mod is gonna turn into screwedscapable screwedsanity."



This is boat fried from frying pan afternoon friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday fried chicken from kfc!1!!!!1


Awesome - Vs. Tagliv OST


Gettin' Goofy - Friday Night Painting Menu Theme

(Credits and stuff in the article)

Hey guys it's me the real squidward, give me your credit card number, your home adress, your phone number, your personal information and your social security card number so I can keep creating banger quotes like "I am squidward I am sus sus sus sus"



Credits and more in the article below

Did you know Misled is a synonym for Screwed?

  2 votes Voting finished

Face-Off - Friday Night Painting OST - Ft. Saster, MoldyGH, Rareblin, Ms. That Pizza Tower Fan, Adam Mc Hummus, EthanTheDoodler, Saruky, Fluffyhairs, Rozebud, Lil Nas X and Ronald Mc Donald

Hello! This is the official FNP Gamejolt Community. May Hame be with you all who have joned this community and if you haven't, then I will make you.


No racism, homphobia, transphobia or disrespect to anyone in this community.

No NSFW content of any kind.

No spamming in this community without the developers' permission, off-topic content or content that is in the wrong channel.

No leaked content. Leaking is already a massive problem in the Friday Night Funkin' community and we don't want that here.

Don't cause any unecessary controversy because it only makes things worse. If there is any, handle it correctly and don't bring in a massive hate group to ruin someone else's life.

Don't encourage self harm/ suicide.

No harassment.

And lastly, have common sense and follow gamejolt's rules and guidelines.

I love hamer (I am being held at gun point by him right now)

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