general in Five Nights In Anime: Reborn

This place may not be for kids...

I'm making a menu for a new project, how do you like it???

#jojo #clicteamfusion #fnia #fnaf #gamedev #fniaplus

2K?! Thank you guys so much!

Be sure to share the story with others!

Everyone has their beginnings....

Fremy's Nightclub 0.1.2 GAMEPLAY ->

Fremy's Nightclub 0.1.2 GAMEPLAY
Fremy's welcomes you to our public night club business! We look forward to working with you soon! I guess you already know our mascots right? T...

It's finally done!, The Story is completed!…

Feel free to spread to story to get more people to read it :3

All of the Rockys!!!
(if there is a fnia au/ game that I should make a rocky out of let me know :] )

I was typing chapter 8 last night on the 21st at 10 AM but I passed out. . .but don't worry. I'll get the chapter done today :3

Not even a minute in. XD

Freddie:Oh Mitchell. . .how you've been OH so avoidful of me~ I think it's time I brought out something more~ you'll regret not coming for the pleasure~ you're gonna pay such a price~ get ready for you're 5th night neko boy~

Freddie-Chapter 8 teaser.

Strangled Mike

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