General in G4G - Game for Good

Explore the social value of games!

This 48 hour game jam developed by college student is a warning about our climate change. Polar bear need to leave their home to find food.

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The game "Climate Guardians" let players use a climate restorer to mitigate climate change and protect the restorer from disaster. The PVP gameplay makes the game both interesting while educating players about the imapact of climate change.

The game “The Journey of the Climate Magi” discusses the relationship between human and climate and the extend of climate control technology. In the game players have to jump onto platforms with both assist and obstacles from the climate.

The G4G theme this time is "Environmental Problems". This game is about polar bear survivals, which the bear must endeavor to prey and survive on the gradually melting ice-made continent. Basically catching mouse——But its drawing is particularly good.

Today is the 10th anniversary of the Dark Souls series. What’s interesting about the series is that many people claim that Dark Souls has helped them walk out from depression. The game is creating positive social impact through its gameplay.