All Posts in SONIC EXE

Hi i im Omar ! new

BetterSADX is an easy to install / automated patch that transforms the PC version of Sonic Adventure DX into an enhanced version with many more features added over the last several years!

BetterSADX is an easy to install / automated patch that transforms the PC version of Sonic Adventure DX into an enhanced version with many more features added over the last several years!
New remake has been cooked! It was kind of shame that nobody else made a remake of this game.

Funny Metal sonic.exe design thing!!1

Uhh, so first post! Technically I decided to just post this sonic X-Terion art I made a couple weeks ago. Also credits to @AdhamKoll one post of old X-Terion's design in Sonic Jam that gave me the idea to make this art!

I made This Sonic.Exe Level In This Sonic Roblox Game Also This Was A Screen Shot