Ideas in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

ooo i have an idea! what about making a function where you could see who blocks you and who you have blocked!

i wish gj would do creator promotion more often, like how they did that one advent calendar except its like

monthly?? it could be like a lil "creator of the week / month" thing i think that would be nice

Put stickers on this post for emoji to unlock idk

@gamejolt u have been renamed to GAYJOLT

Das ist not mine comment bruh

Yay! I did it!! Completed the bloodless quest! Done!!

Thank you @3DRealms for bloodless game.

it would be quite cool if we could have multiple pinned posts in my opinion

don't give the daily quest "Follow a Game Jolt Creator" to users who already follow at least 2 Game Jolt Creators

GJ Shirt on Amazon!

[Android app] when i have Likes notifications ON, please also notify me of likes that i got while my phone was offline