Fanart in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

Added some new Oc’s and more colors but also not much space anymore I would say probably like 4-5 Oc‘s or a bit more

RUS: Кстати, кто-нибудь ещё выполняет эти Хеллоуинские квесты для трофеев(кроме такого балбеса, как я, разумеется)?

ENG: By the way, does anyone else do these Halloween quests for trophies(besides a dummy like me, of course)?

My friends I added now some people and it’s almost completely full with so many great Oc‘s of Gamejolt users so if you want to be on it now it’s your last chance

Last update of the Gamejolt user drawing for today because my hand is starting to hurt but, it’s slowly getting to look not bad