Ideas in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

A feature that lets you to sort user's posts by newest, oldest, or most popular

Man I wish you could reblog things on game Jolt 😔

My idea is make Europeans being able to pay Games with Euros

The ability to edit the community channel a post is sent to! I have a post that I want to change the channel it's in.

We should be able to place stickers in the article, poll, and video sections of a post.

So much void, empty, lonely space, just begging to be decorated

Idea:GiganTron Sticker Pack

A feature that lets you mark communities and DMs as read

The feature that tells us our total amount of stickers should be brought back

The world would be a better place if GameJolt allowed you to publish your own soundtracks, separate from the game page. @gamejolt

Happy Valentine’s Day