Ideas in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

Idea: The ability to pass ownership of a community to a full collaborator of that community

The process can require an account confirmation (and maybe 2FA if the account has one), the user that is given the ownership must not have over 5 communities owned

The icon for the button in the top right on the sticker pack screen should be changed to an arrow pointing into a backpack, to better communicate that we're sending the sticker pack into our backpack and not getting rid it

gamejolt should add the store page to mobile; maybe have it where you can download a game on your phone and have it go to your computer instead.


ALSO mobile games on gamejolt would go hard.

Guys if you like @gamejolt put the hashtag #il4kegqmejolt

Put it anywhere you want because we LOVE GAMEJOLT

So yeah it’s a basic quest to do so you can do it any time.


Idea by me


Is there a way to turn off "You must enter a comment/post/whatever"? I don't even WANT to enter a comment!

Idea: add an Username and Display name filter.

Whenever an user names themselves something innapropiate, lets say fuckfacethegoonmaster6969 as an example, the platform wouldn't censor it.

With this filter idea, users cannot call themselves with bad words.

@gamejolt make an update that allow us to change the background of our profile, like the ad for example

Idea: a way to spend Coins to refresh your Daily Quest list. Give it a limit of once or twice a day, and it’ll help people who have difficulty competing their Daily Quests or people who want to place charged stickers but completed all their Quests.

We should be able to rotate our stickers a full 360 degrees and invert them before placing them down.

Also, stickers should retain their rotation and inversion changes when they are moved to a different spot