All Posts in Vents/therapy

For venting or if you just need therapy



She said she would be back when I was 8 I'm 14 now... devore has made my bairn spin on how to talk to anyone

(They got devoted a while ago)

I am depressed today. Don't ask me why, can somebody just give me a therapist to talk with?

I want to kms right now. This is why i hate the world for a reason. It's fucked up in the head.

I hope i die. Life is overrated, it's just a fucking world that makes you stay, like why? Why do i exist? God why did you create me. Why was i created. I am not happy today.

Is it bad that I have a stalker? (No, I'm not joking... She literally was just following me between my first and second period with a smirk on her stupid fucking face)

I just ended up having a mental breakdown at lunch :)

Read the article if you want to know details!

I'm at school rn....


I'm tired of this....

