Show&Tell in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Games

Share your game's or creation's progress. And we'll try to share it!

Progress of the hallway that leads to a reception and some other areas


freeroam section (no audio)


Here's the menu I promised to show yesterday, still missing abit of stuff but its mainly done.

fun fact: this is the second malos game to have 3 stars since... trtf 2 beta edition? god that was back in August 30, 2023... anyways enjoy


Today I want to show you the concept art of one of the cameras.

Link to the game page:


Сегодня я вам хочу показать концепт арт одной из камер.

Ссылка на страницу игры:

I'm usually hyped for the second fnaf movie, I can't wait for the withered animatronics to go crazy especially withered bonnie, since he has a pretty cool design.

#MostHyped #FNAFMovie #FNaF #FNaF2

There's some character from those nights at Rachel's and those nights at fredbear's that they as Easter eggs from tjoc see this art/poster but this art is very low

If Someone who can remember or don't know


I complete FNAC sugar rush all stars

Hey everyone! Got a bit of a devlog here, no gameplay to show yet but there will be soon-ish.

So far, we have 11/30 characters done, and the framework for everyone else is falling into place.

We hope you check out the game when it's done!

Information about the zero hour/dormitabis remastered (i mean 2019 version from past not 2023 version from future)

Good Morning