Comments (31)
the games actually good so sadly it's a 0/10

i like it and it was easy like silver kitty is appering in same time when a shadow kitty fazcat apper's and it was cool you cool and a @Disamol you both wonderful

i can't think of a joke
Beta Kitty FazCat Nose Clicker: Demake
the mfa of the game, if you use it to make a mod or something else please credit me & everyone else in the credits.
you play as Disamol who is working on his projects but the pink cat from Beta Kitty FazCat Model Nose Clicker is tired of you not doing anything with her series & is gonna do somethin about it! so now you gotta defend yourself while working on other projects.
BKFCNC: Demake is a reimagining of the original "Beta Kitty FazCat Model Nose Clicker" by Disamol. Featuring 3 enemys, a custom night exclusive, challenges & more.
Mr Me - Creator of demake.
Disamol - Creator of og Series.
Tyler Ahlstöm - Creator of trtf.
Trtf fan - Made Kitty Fazcat model.