Random in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.

It needs color...

new SML episode

also I just noticed that today is mother's day so...

happy mother's day to my mom and everybody else's mother!!!


thank you all so much for your birthday wishes!
I really appreciate it a lot

and for those who were didn't get the chance to wish me a happy bday: don't worry, it's okay if you didn't

you guys are the best

it appears that today is my bday

happy bday to myself!!!

follow @DundlerKraken , she does awesome arts and is almost at 800

source: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.8c4f4cd93550a3decd7f80cd58ce3fcf?rik…

ain't no way @jasxy_

hell yeah
I have the power of god


listening, my favorite album lol.

three left.