Fatalgard’s room in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

Bruh, this scrapped photo take of myself for the profile picture literally looks like an album cover due to my sensitive fingers moving the phone too much.

IRL Noir Mastercaptain Profile Picture

#NewYearsResolution Honestly, it's to stop being so silent about things and also to break some of my unhealthy habits (which I already broke one of them yesterday after listening to Linkin Park).

Tomorrow is 2024, everyone! See ya next year.

R.I.P Firesides

My earliest good moments of this platform for me was when I was hosting firesides back in Early 2022.

What are your guys’ New Years Resolutions?

The 2nd anniversary of Mastercaptain is in January 2024, I don’t know which day I technically joined in January 2022, but I’ll figure it out.

(Also ask questions in the comments for the QNA if you want)

Hey guys, I have to take a break in January. I have to go to Colorado for idk how long with my family. So if I don’t respond to you, that’s the reason. I don’t know when in January, but it’s gonna happen.



I got two CDs for Christmas this year, which was Rick Astley’s Greatest Hits (you can already tell what I did to my IRL friends with it if you know me) and an album CD from my favorite band.