Pico's School in Newgrounds

Everything by Everyone!

Today is the Pico Day!

I will make an special thing :)


it be white eye, luigi shirt, annoying orange wig, child day!

(Yes, I mean Pico.)


Yo guys my friend rey shares a birthday with pico and tom fulp so they are one with p r i c k o also hapyp b day pico lol

Happy Pico day!
thats means pico day

Happy Pico Day, if I could draw i'd do a thing, but i'm bad at drawing, except unlike those artists who makes great art and say it's bad, mine is actually bad.

Happy Pico Day!

To be fair, Picos school is about stopping a school shooting or stopping it from getting worse.

I have a confession......

Bear so cray-cray. (WIP) (See ya Pico day hopefully)

Newgrounds Supporters are able to test this game as I work on it before it's released!